Your PC repair service can repair almost any damage you do to your computer within reason. That means repairing corrupt files, damaged hardware and viruses, and it means helping you to make your computer run faster and be safer in future. However while your PC repair service can most probably fix your computer, what they might not be able to do is to do so without losing important files. If you have crucial files on your computer then some of the methods that PC repair companies use will often mean that you lose your files – for instance if they opt to reformat your harddrive. At the same time if they can't fix your computer, which can happen on occasion, then this will mean you need to get a new one and of course that will often mean you lose the files that were on the old one.
Thus backing up your information is incredibly important, and you should do this regularly and often. There are many ways you can do this. Here are a couple of your options.
External Harddrive: These are harddrives that plug into your computer. These usually have a huge amount of storage space so you can back up a lot of data onto them. The downside is that they are quite bulky however, relatively expensive and also their physical nature means that they can be broken or lost.
Flash Cards: Flash cards and other memory cards are great for backing up data because they are highly cheap and highly portable and these days almost as large as harddrives. The downside of flash cards is that they are easy to lose and quite delicate and so easy to break. If you use this method then keep them safe.
Other Computers: Having your information on more than one computer is a simple way to keep the info safe, though again the information is in the same room and you should avoid keeping your back up PC on the same network.
Online: Online back up is a very logical way to back up your data. The joy of online back up is that it is online and thereby not a physical device. This means that you can't 'lose' it or 'damage' it, and the hosting company looking after your files will have many failsafes in case the server has troubles.
The best solution is to use multiple of these options to keep your data safe. This way if you do need PC repair your information will be safe on at least one of these devices. The last remaining problem is to remember to back up your information and if you want to do this then you need to do is to use software that can automatically back up your data (for instance some word processors have an option to continually back up files in a pre-selected location), or to give yourself a set time when you regularly back up all of your data – perhaps at the end of the day before you switch off, or once a week.
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